
Which mask is better in corona(covid -19)

Different types of masks (to educate non medical and non health workers) Myths and Facts about, "Masks" Q1 ... What are the common types of masks ans... 1 Cloth mask 2 Surgical mask Q2... What are the Respirators Ans. N- 95 N- 99 N- 100 are the respirators Q3.. what is the difference between mask and respirator Ans.. Mask has loose fit, it doesn't seal nose and mouth snugly. During respiration air moves along the edges of the mask, while respirator has tight seal and most of the times air passes only through its material after filtration. Q4... Are all respirator masks are same Ans... No, respirators are graded according to their filtration efficiency. According to the used filter type According to the type of materials used And additional features They are of different types. Q5... what is the efficiency grading Ans... According to the efficiency of filtration these are usually graded as- 95, 99 and 100 Means these respirator masks a

How 13years boy build 300cr company

How 13 years boy build 300cr company by using a single idea. one day Rahul goes to school like every day, on the way Rahul realise that he forgot his maths homework book in Home and he called his father and asked him to give his maths book to school by help of rickshaw driver but his father told him that he is out of the station he can't help him. now Rahul got upset and he thinking that teacher will punish him. But at this moment he saw a lunchbox man coming from road side with too many lunch box in hand for nearby corporate building. now Rahul thinking that if I am engaged with all these lunchbox man for making a courier company then couriering getting fast than current situation, he went his house and ask his father for starting a courier company and his father agree with his son and his father called too many lunch box man for meeting to start the company and almost 200 lunchbox man attended the meeting and agreed with Rahul. on this days almost 2000 to 2500 parcel cou

ગુર્જર ક્ષત્રિય સમાજ નો ઇતિહાસ

ઇતિહાસ ક્ષત્રિય કુળ જેઓ 7 મી સદીના પ્રારંભમાં રાજસ્થાનથી સ્થળાંતર કર્યું. કડિયા ક્ષત્રિયોએ તે સમયે સૌરાષ્ટ્રમાં પ્રથમ પ્રવેશ કર્યો હતો અને આ વિસ્તારના છત્રીસ ગામોની સ્થાપના કરી હતી, જ્યારે અન્ય કચ્છમાં આગળ વધ્યા હતા. લગભગ 1177–78 એડી (વીએસ 1234) ની આસપાસ, પટેલ ગંગા મારૂની આગેવાની હેઠળ એક મોટો જૂથ સૌરાષ્ટ્રથી કચ્છ સ્થળાંતર થયો. તેઓ ધાણેટી ગામમાં સ્થાયી થયા. ધાનેટીના ગામ તળાવની પાસે સમુદાયના ઘણા પરીઓ છે, જે 1178 એ.ડી. માં લડાયેલા યુદ્ધના સ્મારકો તરીકે standingભા છે. સમુદાયના સભ્યો હજી પણ દર વર્ષે એકવાર તેમના પૂજા-પિતૃઓને પૂજા અર્ચના કરવા માટે જાય છે. આ જૂથે, પાછળથી, ફક્ત કચ્છમાં historicalતિહાસિક કિલ્લાઓ, મહેલો, મંદિરો અને આર્કિટેક્ટ બનાવ્યા વિના, પણ સમગ્ર બ્રિટીશ ભારતમાં મુખ્યત્વે રેલ્વે અને કોલસાના ખાણકામના ક્ષેત્રમાં પોતાની આગવી ઓળખ બનાવી. કચ્છ ગુર્જર ક્ષત્રિય ધનેતી છોડીને કચ્છમાં અteenાર ગામો સ્થાપિત કરવા ગયા જે તેમને રાજા દ્વારા આપવામાં આવ્યા હતા: અંજાર, સિનુગ્રા, ખાંભરા, નાગલપર, ઘેડોઇ, માધાપર, હાજપર, કુકમા, ગલપદર, રેહા, વિદિ, જંબુડી, દેવલીયા, લોવરિયા, નાગોર, મેઘપર, ચાંડિયા

Motivation for business startup

SMALL STORY In 2016 one claver student cleared the civil engineering with distinction marks. In last semester of engineering there was too many companies arrived for the campus interview and he was selected by the one of the arrived companies. He was very excited for the job and very happy and now time to start the doing job. He started the job with hard work, honestly and smartly.there was 2 years passed and he want to change his job for salary increment, he reported his resignation latter to head office and wrote that if company will increase his salary then he will be continue his job otherwise he will left the company but management decided to accept his resignation letter instead of salary increment. Now that man went to other company for interview and fortunately he was selected with higher salary than previous company, Now he is trying to do his best but he is not satisfied by his position and company's rules and regulations and again he resign the 2nd company with in one

Tips for preventing corona

There are Many tips to prevent the covid -19. 1. As you know wear the mask. 2. As you again know wash your hand by sanitizer. Now important tips to prevent the covid-19 1. Drink hot tea/hot coffee thrice in a day. 2. Drink a hot water in every 20 minutes. 3. Always wash your hand before taking a food. 4. After buying fruits and vegetables always wash them 2 to 3 times by hot and clean water. 5. Always buy vegetables and fruits from known Shop kipper for your safety. 6. Wash your handkerchief, clothes and towel every day. 7. Take hot water vapour by mouth evry night before sleeping. 8. Reduce the use of hand out side of your home as you can. 8. Wash your hand instantly after coming back to home. I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND Please follow the above points and I guarantee you that we will be safe without any problems. THANK YOU

Business startup

INTRODUCTION: Today we will talk about new business startup. Every person or new faces of the 21th century want to do something new with his job/work. Person who connected with private job or government job are getting tired or bored with his job. And trying to do somthing new or adventures with his life. TIPS FOR START-UP: 1. Find out the best idea from your skills and near you. 2. Don't be afraid to start the new things. 3. Choose the only that idea on which you have full confidence and you can utilise your 100 percentage skills on it. 4. To Choose the business partner is most deficult part. Choose most trustable person for your business partner. I recommend you please don't make business partner if not needed. STEPS TO START YOUR BUSINESS 1. First take a pen and a blank paper and write down the sources you required to start the work. 2. make a step by step planning to execute the work. 3. Now schedule the entire work and break the work in to small parts. 4. Wri