How 13years boy build 300cr company

How 13 years boy build 300cr company by using a single idea.

one day Rahul goes to school like every day, on the way Rahul realise that he forgot his maths homework book in Home and he called his father and asked him to give his maths book to school by help of rickshaw driver but his father told him that he is out of the station he can't help him.

now Rahul got upset and he thinking that teacher will punish him. But at this moment he saw a lunchbox man coming from road side with too many lunch box in hand for nearby corporate building.

now Rahul thinking that if I am engaged with all these lunchbox man for making a courier company then couriering getting fast than current situation, he went his house and ask his father for starting a courier company and his father agree with his son and his father called too many lunch box man for meeting to start the company and almost 200 lunchbox man attended the meeting and agreed with Rahul.

on this days almost 2000 to 2500 parcel couriered per day by this company with help of lunchbox man. Rahul and his uncle now director of this company.


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